This article is the first of several future write-ups on Sacred Space.
In this first column I am going to share with you why I write about Sacred Space and its meaning in my life.
In future columns I will focus more directly on specific applications and uses of creating Sacred Space.
The purpose in sharing this series of articles is for one reason: To inspire you to believe in your individual power, wisdom and love so you can be a flame of light and love to this world!
If you have the courage to change – you have just ignited a fire within you which can only affect your outer world as the two are not separate.
Sacred Space lies within as well as without. As you alter the outer temple, the inner is also affected.
Gary Zukav used the analogy of a forest fire and I have adapted this to describe my own experience of embracing change in my life. How does this relate to spaces? I’ll explain.
The Flames of Sacred Space
When a forest fire ignites, it can be seen as a tragedy, but this is not so. Fires are a natural cycle of forests and of nature. Where an older forest grew, a young forest now rises.
Consciousness is like forest fires. When it ignites, that which was once important to you is now ashes, swept away. Higher aspirations replace lower ones, fear is replaced with love, hope and joy; patience grows, and ignorance is replaced with understanding. Your life changes in profound ways and you cannot stop the fire. You are not the same and this is not a tragedy.
Now a conscious life takes root, seeds of new thought sprout new goals, new ways of communicating and new satisfactions fulfill a life that unfolds in lush, unexpected creative ways. Your life becomes an intimate dance with the companionship of the Universe – with all that surrounds you. All of life is your partner and together you create powerfully!
This can happen anytime. Sometimes it occurs when it hasn’t rained in a long time – when sorrow, loneliness, anguish, and despair create a palette that seems brown and dry.
But life can explode with potential that had little possibility of developing the day before, if you are open to it. That happened to me once, when after 28 days of being consumed by my own forest fire of destruction – my agonizing sense of failure, fear and “what ifs” had thrown me into a dark pit. Until one day, through the smoke and ashes, that is, in meekness and humility I uttered, “I surrender, I am open to whatever it is I am to do in this life, I trust that I’ll be shown, just release me from my pit of emptiness.”
After the Surrender
The following day, by some miraculous event, the embers of hope summoned the energy to clean my pantry – and a life giving explosion occurred. Needless to say, my life has never been the same, I can’t stop the fire! I have been filled with a burning desire to create, to heal, and to inspire the resacralization of spaces – both inner and outer, as you cannot help affect one when you change the other.
Although I will be discussing how to change your surroundings to affect your life, the new frontier is our inner spaces. Your outer world can lead you back to your powerful self.
The exploration involves your ability to go within and think different. Listening to, and believing in your soul-self will guide the changes in your surroundings, which in turn assists in the process of re-creating who you choose to be. Flames of consciousness are truly burning within you.
Through the LIVING ENERGY ALIGNMENT PROCESS greater awareness and understanding will ignite personal flames of consciousness, creating a new forest from a palette of new exploding thoughts and dreams as you integrate the necessary life sustaining ingredients – your physical and spiritual self.
Like all forests in progress, it is a process. There will be times of soaking up the sun, periods of cleansing, rejuvenation and nurturing rains to create lush and easy growth. And times of weathering the storms – some quick to overcome, and some that cause scars and wounds that take time to heal.
But, don’t dismay – be inspired by the power you have to always overcome, rebuild, recreate and reestablish your roots.
Blessings, as you enjoy the LEAP experience.
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