Sometimes we need to look in a different direction than what we have been looking.
If we look for the most appropriate form to follow, whether in healing or religion, our search can become very confused.
Spirituality can take many forms, can have many different expressions, just as healing can be expressed through many different therapies and alternatives.
Limitless Expressions of Spirit
If we try to decide which religion, which form is the only “true” form, we miss the point. We are attempting to limit what is limitless, what is all inclusive. We get in similar difficulty trying to decide which healing method is the one “true” healing method, for they all have their merits.
Our point then is, where is your focus? Is your focus on the form Spirit should take, or on the very essence of Spirit itself? If we try to put form first, we become lost.
Form is only a vessel that Spirit flows through. If we put Spirit first, then Spirit can use any religion, any therapy for healing. When we invite Spirit to use anything for healing, miracles occur for we have no longer limited Spirit to any form or expression. When we invite Spirit to reveal Its essence, we begin to be aware and experience Its action in our lives.
The Emergence of Peace and Acceptance
When we focus on Spirit, all the judgments and concerns about the “best” form drop away. We begin to experience peace and acceptance. When we focus on Spirit, we begin to see all the connections that surround us. When we focus on Spirit, we see the answers and solutions may come from many different directions. When we focus on Spirit, we go beyond differences.
There is another consideration. In all our searching we forget that we are the ones that are lost. It might just be easier to invite God to find us. Rather than trying to find God, we may ask God to be present with us. God knows the way. It is this direction we seek and it is this direction we may invite in.
A Special Prayer to Help: God, I’ve been lost and confused. Would You find me. Would You help me to invite in Your true nature, so that Your Presence may be expressed through whatever method I choose, through whatever religion I may practice. May You help me to always place Spirit first, so that the most appropriate form for any given moment may follow.
For your consideration,
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