Everyone dreams, whether they remember it or not. During the dream state, the body is asleep, but the thinking brain is awake and can act or react. “Day-dreaming” is also dreaming, but can be called trance or having a vision. Dreams are often a reflection of the person’s thoughts and feelings.
The Electroencephalograph
The electrical impulses given off by the brain can be measured by a machine called an EEG or Electroencephalograph. The name comes from three Greek words meaning, “electric, brain and write.” This machine can show when a subject begins dreaming or if the dreaming is in a light or sounds depth of sleep.
An EEG cannot tell what the dream is about or give any description of the pictorial content; the dreamer is the only one who knows for sure what is in the dream. It is a very private matter. This is why the interpretation or analysis of a dream has to be done on an individual, personal basis.
Dream Interpretation goes back as far as 5,000 BC or more. The Babylonians and Assyrians wrote meanings down even then. A Greek soothsayer named Artemidorus put together four volumes on dream interpretation back around the year 150 AD.
In modern Times, Freud used the interpretation of dreams in his psychiatric practice, although most of the meanings revolves around sex in some way or the other. The more we understand the dream world, the more we move away from that type of thinking.
Carl Jung disagreed with Freud. He believed, as I do, that there is a collective unconscious with common symbolism that links us all and is recognizable by most of mankind: Sun, moon, stars, trees, food, water, emotions and so on…
People around the world may dream of the same symbol in its various forms, but the message could be different depending on the individual.
Types of Dreams
(Dreams can be affected by what you eat, drink, etc., or by planetary influences passing over one’s chart.)
Happy Dreams
These are nice dreams to have. They are not as common as unhappy dreams, but they usually indicate that all is well for the moment or that a happy event is likely to occur soon.
Unhappy Nightmares
There can be a number of reasons for a dream like this: fears, phobias, health disorders, re-enactment of an embarrassing moment or tragedy, flashbacks to a past life, etc. Many unhappy thoughts or memories are suppressed during the waking state, but in the sleep state, the subconscious mind is released and the suppressed thoughts surge to the surface causing the moments to be relived as a nightmare. If a nightmare occurs or reoccurs, it is important to seek help to clear the unconscious of the problem as it can affect the health or emotions in a negative way. Avoid masking the problem with drugs or alcohol. (These products can cause nightmares.)
Flying or Astral Dreams
Dreams of leaving the body and flying around can be a lot of fun as long as you don’t fear flying. This dream could stem from a desire to be free as a bird to travel or do other things. Sometimes the soul actually leaves the body and does travel to visit other people or places. At a later date, when the events does occur in reality, it can seem like “deja vu,” or the feeling that you have been there before or seen that same things.
Falling Dreams
This is one of the most common dreams. It is often an indication that the person is not in control of their life at that point. They may also be in a situation where they are being forced to live a life-pattern that they do not like. (It is interesting to note that this dream often occurs during puberty, when the body is going though uncontrollable changes. It also occurs when a person is involved with relationship where there is a lack of security or identity.)
Precognitive Dreams
They reveal the future to some. It supports the belief that there is a master plan of which we are only the mortal players. Some can be about past life matters as well. That is why DETAILS are so important to note down regarding time and place, dress, transportation, etc. There needs to be clues to lead the interpreter through the maze of the mind. Past, present or future could be involved as well as past lives.
Scattered Dreams
This can reflect the dreamer’s actual thought patterns or mirror the way they handle their daily life. It can indicate a lack of direction or life purpose. The subconscious tries to separate and sort fragments into some semblance of direction. Sometimes it will have to be pieced together like a puzzle in order to get to the heart of the real meaning. It could be a literal or symbolic dream, so great care is needed to sort that out.
ESP Dreams
There are usually about events, illnesses or crises happening to self or loved ones or friends, etc. Some will describe these as hunches, feelings or premonitions. These are similar to precognitive dreams, but are more likely to relate to more present events or situations. These can be in other locations as well. These were common during the war. Loved ones would dream of the death or injury and be later notified that it had occurred at the time and place of the dream. Feelings of love or strong emotion can create a link between people’s thoughts and be transmitted over distances. There were many cases of people actually seeing the person — like a ghost.
Sounds in Dreams
Physical sounds being made in the proximity of the dreamer can influence the story line of the dream. If a dreamer was to hear bells ringing, this could lead to a dream about a fire, a wedding, boats in the harbor or going to church. The subconscious will use whatever it picks up and include it in the picture. This includes smells, touch, etc.
Dreaming of Suffocation
This is one of the worst nightmares that I have. It is usually remembered and of great concern to the dreamer. Some of the common causes for this dream are becoming tangled in the bed sheets or cloths. This can cause the subconscious to form images of being bound, choked, imprisoned or otherwise restricted or suffocated. If this caused the nightmare, then no real meaning would be there. If the person is in a suffocating relationship or circumstance, then there would be more meaning in the dream. Again, the details are important.
Strive to keep the hidden corners of the mind clear and lead a good life to avoid having to deal with nightmares. Live by the Golden Rule and don’t upset your system before sleep time. Watch your diet and over-indulgences. Get into a stable path and dreams will lighten.
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