Facets of our Choices
Choice is a fundamental and inherent aspect of our human existence. We cannot help but choose; ‘not’ choosing is also a choice. And whatever is in our life is a result of our choices is how consequential and impactful our choices are. Our choices are potentially either the source of our greatest abundance, exuberance, fulfillment, vibrancy, and endless blessings on one end of the spectrum, or they may be the source of extreme limitations, disempowerment, deprivation, or deep emotional pain on the other end of the scale.
Every choice brings many new choices; we have endless chances of choosing differently. It is also a fundamental aspect of our birthright of free choice: all our choices are valid and must be respected. Nobody can determine for us. We may adopt somebody’s suggestion or choose what others have chosen, but we have chosen to do so. Ultimately, it is only we who have any authority in our lives. This also entails that the consequences of our choices are ours and ours alone. Going along with the choice of a large group or all of humanity does not obviate us from the consequences of our choices. The effects of our choices are always ours.
Who is Choosing?
One of the most crucial features of our choices is the question of which of our two essential parts is choosing. We are made up of two main components. One component is the body of our limiting, disempowering, and hindering beliefs, assumptions, and expectations. The other aspect is our spiritual, true, unconditioned Essence or Core Self and all our thoughts and opinions that harmonize with our Essence. Depending on which of those two parts is in the driver’s seat at the time of our choosing determines whether the outcome of our choice is beneficial and enjoyable or whether the outcome is detrimental or unpleasant. The favorable occurrences we may savor. However, we may also gain from the ‘unwanted,’ ‘annoying,’ and ‘and regretful’ consequences. They reveal (if we are prepared to look) one or more of our retarding, disabling thought patterns or judgments. And therefore, it offers us the opportunity to transform the relevant disempowering ideas within us. How we may do that is discussed in detail in my book ‘SOURCE and US’ and on my website > https://iamclaritee.co.uk/.
When choosing from our Core Self place, we choose from a high overview or a place of great clarity and insight. Choosing from that place, we are also aware that we are choosing, aware of what we are choosing, and aware of the consequences of our choices. Our point of reference for our choice is our own inner knowing; others or circumstances do not influence our choice. None of this can be said for any choice sponsored by one or more of our limiting, unhelpful beliefs.
The Most Priceless Assistance Available to Us in Our Decisions
Fortunately for us, we are divinely guided in our decisions. This invaluable guidance at our disposal is our body of emotions. Our emotions are generated in response to our currently held perspectives, assumptions, beliefs, or choices. We feel very good when we think expansive, high-energy thoughts or make advantageous choices. We feel satisfied, interested, clear-minded, elated, vibrant, or full of well-being. When we make hindering or detrimental choices or entertain limiting, disempowering, diminishing thoughts or low-energy perspectives, we feel ‘bad,’ e.g., angry, disappointed, revengeful, fearful, or depressed. The better we feel, the higher the energy of our present thoughts. The worse we feel, the lower the energy of the thought(s) that generate the corresponding feeling.
Our emotions also indicate our vibrational closeness or remoteness to our Core Self. When we feel elated, exhilarated, or passionate, we are merged with our Core Self, and we see through the eyes of our Essence. In addition, when we reside in the realm of our Core Self, we are aligned with our essential desires and are in the process of attracting what is beneficial or joy-promoting. When our energy is high, everything flows easily and effortlessly, we make good progress, we receive pleasant surprises, and others are helpful and friendly. Everything works out for us.
When we feel angry, regretful, shameful, depressed, or in despair, the energy gap between our current energy and the energy of our Core Self is quite large. We are vibrationally substantially removed from our Essence. In this energy state, we are also out of sync with our essential desires, and instead of attracting what we want, we align with unwanted happenings.
Note: Our energy fluctuates automatically in response to what we encounter. However, we can raise our present energy in many ways. My book and website offer many techniques for doing that.
How We Are Choosing
Another important factor in our choices is how we are choosing. We choose either consciously, with full awareness of the choice we are making, or we choose without full awareness, without awareness that we are making a choice, or without awareness of what we are choosing. When we are oblivious of our choices, we have no control over what we set in motion. Equally, when choosing without clear awareness, we cannot see the relationship between our choices and the outcome of our choices in terms of occurrences or interactions. In contrast, when we choose consciously and deliberately, we are in a position to create the results that we want, and we can see the connection between our choices and the corresponding outcomes. We may also choose intentionally. We may choose deliberately in concert with our Core Self. We choose proactively based on internal criteria. Alternatively, we may react reactively to external triggers such as events or circumstances; our choice may be governed by whichever of our beliefs has been activated due to the current occurrence. The outcome of such a default choice may be something wanted if the occurrence which was sponsoring the choice was joy-promoting, or the outcome may be an unwanted event if the occurrence resulted from one of our retarding beliefs. However, even if the result of our incidental choice is pleasant or wanted, we still miss out on the satisfaction and sense of power and freedom we gain when choosing consciously and deliberately.
What Are We Choosing?
Yet another essential point about choosing is what type of choices we make. The most crucial choice we make is choosing our present level of energy or vibration; with it, we choose the level of overview we have. We have a higher, more extensive perspective when we vibrate at or experience a higher energy state. From a higher viewing platform, our overview is comprehensive and far-sighted. Our perspective is narrow, limited, and short-sighted when we reside in lower energy. As mentioned, we determine whether we reside in a higher or a lower energy state when we choose the meaning we give events by the viewpoints we presently hold or by what we focus on. We choose a low-energy state by choosing (usually without full awareness) limiting, disempowering, debilitating notions and judgments of attitudes. Alongside those retarding thoughts, we inadvertently choose negative emotions such as frustration, doubt, worry, or fear.
We also choose, consciously or unconsciously, deliberately or inadvertently, what we focus on. What we pay attention to enlarges or strengthens us. Therefore, our focus on what we enhance or build up within is crucial. We can deliberately choose what we pay attention to, ignore, or mentally or even physically walk away from or disengage with.
What Else We Choose
We may also purposefully choose who within us gets the decisive vote. When we are in a good mood, i.e., in a high-energy state, our Core Self is in the driver’s seat, and we want to leave it as it is. When we experience negative emotions, one or more limiting beliefs are in charge of our choices, and we may want to change them consciously and deliberately. We may, for example, proactively raise our energy and move closer into the vicinity of our Essence, or even better, we may call on our closest supporter, our Essence, for intervention and a more advantageous, expansive viewpoint. Both how we may transform our retarding beliefs and how we may establish a thriving, intimate relationship with our Core Self are discussed in my book.
We also choose, deliberately or haphazardly, our priorities or how we use our time, which is our crucial resource. Likewise, we choose how we use our body energy and how we treat our body in terms of movement and rest or what we ingest, which all affect what we can do.
Other important factors that we choose are whether we do things mindlessly, without deliberate awareness, or mindfully, being fully present and aware of our surroundings and our inner worlds, such as our world of thoughts, our judgments, our responses, and our way of being and relating. We choose intentionally what meaning we give any happenings. Such choices determine how we experience the present moment and the quality and satisfaction of our lives.
These are only a few of the most crucial factors that we choose. None of them is more impactful than our present energy level choice. However, as always, we can gain from any choice, and every choice is valid and has its merit when viewed from a high enough perspective. We cannot lose.
In Conclusion
Our life revolves around making decisions. I wanted to highlight some of the crucial factors involved in this process. I hope this article may provoke thought and potentially help us gain increasingly more profoundly from this unavoidable, quintessential endeavor of choosing. Becoming more aware of our choices and choosing more mindfully, intentionally, and with our Core Self brings us powerfully into the experience of greater satisfaction, confidence, command, freedom, and joy. It exponentially evolves us and raises our prevailing or overall energy, which translates into huge improvements in all areas of our lives. Our conscious, deliberate choices, in line with our Core Self, have the potential to engendering a phenomenal life.
Johanna Claritee, the author of ‘SOURCE and US’ and ‘CHANGE YOUR MIND,’ grew up in South Germany but moved to North England at twenty-two. She worked in various fields (both manually and academically) and studied Chemistry to PhD standard.
She has two daughters. On the inner level, Johanna was always an explorer, searching for a deeper meaning to life, relief from her emotional pain, and answers to all her questions. As a result of keen observations, mental experimentations, and reflections, Johanna arrived at a body of methods that utilize the unfailing guidance of our emotions and effectively transform our unconscious, retarding, outdated assumptions and beliefs.
Alongside, Johanna was passionate about establishing a profound relationship with her Soul or eternal Essence. Her perceptive, emotional awareness, and intimate blending with her Essence provide the solutions to any problems that arise and the answers to all her questions.
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