Shamanism is a tool for linking the body, mind, and spirit for the purpose of healing.
The more that we align our inner spirit with our physical body, our mind, and our emotions, then the more health and harmony we can experience.
Shamanism is a transformational journey that unites the spiritual and physical worlds in order to receive insights and healing.
Shamanic Insights
First, we will look at how the body gives us insights about what adjustments are needed for healing. The body is amazing in its capacity to provide messages about our higher good. Basically, everything that is going on physically can have a symbolic spiritual purpose about what is needed for balance.
In shamanism, we access the symbolic meaning underlying physical pain. For instance, a sore throat could represent the need to develop stronger communication skills. As we learn to ask for what we need and share our feelings with others then the energy in the throat area can flow better. The moment that a person gets the message about why the pain is there and what’s needed for harmony, then the body can naturally heal itself.
Interconnectedness of Body & Mind
As we know from psychological research, the body and mind are very interconnected. Therefore, it is imperative to deal with our thought processes that affect the health of our body. Through shamanic journeying, we can uncover core beliefs and thought patterns that have contributed to unhappiness.
For example, deciding as a teenager that “life is hard” can lead to many experiences throughout life that are difficult. So it can be helpful to journey back to the place where these memories are held and reframe the belief to “I have the resources inside of me to handle anything that comes my way.” This shows how the thought patterns are rearranged at the root level in order to transform the old thoughts into loving and healing thoughts.
Emotional Healing
In addition, shamanism encompasses emotional healing. One purpose of having feelings is to bring messages about health and happiness. For example, the feeling of fear tells us what it is that we need to learn more about. Being afraid of getting hurt tells us hat we need to learn more about feeling strong and confident, while at the same time being safe from real danger.
When we get the message from our feelings, then we can return to the temporary state of balance. As humans, it is natural to have cycles of emotional highs and lows. So the key is to honor and acknowledge the lows that provide wisdom and compassion. Then it’s easier to transform those feelings into more enjoyable ones.
Shamanic Path is Love
On the spiritual level, love is all there is. Through shamanic processes, we can access this state of pure, Divine love and experience it in the physical realm. Given that love has the power to transform anything and everything unlike love, then we have the tool for transformation and healing.
Shamanic practices provide the tools to physical, emotional, and spiritual transformations. The body, mind, and emotions provide clues about how we can align with our spiritual purposes in life. As we align with our inner spirit, we become a bridge that unites the Greater Spirit and the human body. Thus, we realize heaven on earth.
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